Cygwin and Parrot are like oil and water

Limbic Region on 2004-05-26T18:11:27

This is driving me nucking futs

set N1, 0 bogus set N2, 0 cosh N3, 1 end

works under JIT

set N1, 0 set N2, 0 cosh N3, 1 end

does not!

Leo seems to think it has to do with assumptions the Cygwin math libs make about float pointers. I can't find anything with google to support that and I only have a week of C under my belt.

It's like getting a new toy that doesn't work on Tuesdays unless each time you use it you remember to stand on one leg.

Oh - going to be about 45 people at my wedding. I was originally projecting 100. You might think this is a "good thing" until you understand that you pay for people in advance and don't get credit for people who don't come.

I guess that means more voracious amounts of grog for me to imbibe ;-)

Wedding attendance estimates

runrig on 2004-05-26T23:08:07

Oh - going to be about 45 people at my wedding. I was originally projecting 100. You might think this is a "good thing" until you understand that you pay for people in advance and don't get credit for people who don't come.

We had over 100 "confirmed" guests, but only about 70 who showed. I wonder what would've happened if everyone did show, because all the food (buffet style) was eaten anyway.

Must be different abroad...

cog on 2004-05-27T10:05:19

...because in Portugal, in a wedding where 150 people are expected, you're most likely to have 5 people not showing up... :-\